25 February 2012

delicious and healthy pizza? yes please!

it has been about five years since i found out my allergies and until this last summer, pizza was pretty much off limits.  for a while i could tolerate it periodically but eventually i had to completely exclude yeast from my diet. so, with the exception of one very painful trip to pizza luce, i hadn't had a slice in three years.  now, after about six months of messing with my gluten-free, yeast-free crust recipe i'm finally ready to share it. 

here is a photo of my latest creation: roasted sweet potato & squash with kale and sharp cheddar.  (i would have preferred feta with this one but organic wasn't available - sad day!)

just a slice

23 February 2012

is that a chip or a vegetable?

this is sort of a follow-up to the last post about food.  i was trying to figure out how to add in some photos but i got them uploaded and decided that they deserved their own post.  however, i'm not great at remembering to stop for photo ops (yet) so i am missing a few steps but everything is pretty self-explanatory. 

in the spirit of full disclosure, i'd like to say that i eat these regularly (once to twice a week) and i never get sick of them...plus, they are healthy so you can feel good about eating them!

22 February 2012

something to chew on.

since i said that i would be writing lots of posts about food i feel like i should start - otherwise you may begin thinking that my life does not revolve around it.  well, let me assure you that it does indeed.  because this is my first post about food i feel like it is imperative that i explain a few things about how i eat and why.  my relationship with food is complex and ever-evolving.  as you will learn, i have always been taught the value of 'good food' so many of my habits were set long before there was a 'food movement'. (thanks mom!)

some of my first memories involving food deal with food co-op in jamestown, nd.  i was a child and spent most of the time playing with other kids.  however, because of the food co-op i got to eat 'junk food' like fruit leathers, sesame sticks (aka cheetos), and herbal 'soda'; obviously delivery days were something for me to look forward to.  to this day i still indulge in most of these treats and find my comfort foods in the health section. 

my mother intentionally raised children who refused to eat colored cheeses (milk is white not orange, folks) and were never treated to fast food (the only exception: ice cream).  we attended farmers markets religiously during the summer growing season.  she feed us meat from animals that were raised by people we knew or would form relationships with if they weren't already close friends or family members.  there was never really 'kid food' at our house and somehow we managed to still be happy, healthy, and 'normal' (hah).

20 February 2012

one-hundred things that make me happy (seriously happy)

i found this old document in a folder named 'in progress' so i must have meant for it to be fluid (as it has always contained 100 items).  i kept the orignial but there were definitely things that have changed since writing it five or six years ago (mostly involving food - hah).  anyhow, i'm sure that my original intent was to remind myself (and those in my life) of all the things that i could do to improve my personal happiness quotient and maybe get a little motivation from time to time as well.  this seems like an appropriate venue for this piece so let's get happy!

19 February 2012

chastity brown

this song seems to fit perfectly with my last post.  isn't it funny how things work?  just when i needed a little light she showed up and brightened my night.  thanks to chastity brown - who broke it down at "the celebration of women and their music" at the fargo theatre - words really can't explain how awesome it was to be there <3

more videos from performers coming soon!