since i said that i would be writing lots of posts about food
i feel like i should start - otherwise you may begin thinking that my life does
not revolve around it. well, let me
assure you that it does indeed. because
this is my first post about food i feel like it is imperative that i explain a
few things about how i eat and why. my
relationship with food is complex and ever-evolving. as you will learn, i have always been taught
the value of 'good food' so many of my habits were set long before there was a 'food
movement'. (thanks mom!)
some of my first memories involving food deal with food
co-op in jamestown, nd. i was a child and spent most of the time
playing with other kids. however, because
of the food co-op i got to eat 'junk food' like fruit leathers, sesame sticks
(aka cheetos), and herbal 'soda'; obviously delivery days were something for
me to look forward to. to this day i still
indulge in most of these treats and find my comfort foods in the health
my mother intentionally raised children who refused to eat
colored cheeses (milk is white not orange, folks) and were never treated to
fast food (the only exception: ice cream).
we attended farmers markets religiously during the summer growing
season. she feed us meat from animals
that were raised by people we knew or would form relationships with if they
weren't already close friends or family members. there was never really 'kid food' at our house
and somehow we managed to still be happy, healthy, and 'normal' (hah).