17 February 2012

a defining moment

i have been starting this post over and over for the last fifteen minutes or so.  nothing i write seems to convey what i want to say.  i feel, at times, that there will never be a way past this.  this isn't the first time i have sat down to write about that night.  but nothing ever comes out (at least not anything i'm satisfied with).  it feels like it was yesterday in all the wrong ways but i'm missing most of the details; everything is out of order and blurry. 

this is the first instance in my life when it has been easier for me to talk about my feelings out loud than to put them onto paper.  i do not remember ever fluctuating so much between trying to express and repress.  this one memory has defined my relationship with writing (and everything else) for over five years.  this is my everest.  i know the experience will leave me bloody and bruised so i have been using my favorite coping mechanism…avoidance.

however, keeping myself from writing means denying much more than expression.  i tend to process by writing, reading and editing words on a page in an attempt to perfectly articulate my experiences.  so if i'm not writing i'm not probably not dealing with it at all.  in my head writing about it will make it real.  at this very moment i am terrified to dig into the depths of my memory making a mess of things. 

five years is a long time to keep something inside.  i feel like you can see it written on my face.  there is a visible difference in my appearance; i am rigid and stiff, my skin is pale and thin, there is no twinkle in my eye.  i may as well be wearing a billboard, although most people probably wouldn't notice the difference - or maybe they can't be bothered to, i'm not sure which anymore.  needless to say, there have been very few people who have actually commented on my somewhat apparent transition.

here i am sitting in front of the screen staring, reading, and editing. a another half hour has passed and i have written four paragraphs containing 323 words.  not one says anything about my intended topic.  (fuck!)

14 February 2012

valentine's day is for lovers.

deep inside (a memory)
snaking in and out of hidden hallways
seeking respite in smoke and shadows.
welcomed by a sunken booth with
open arms and a bottle of wine.
intoxicatingly familiar – warm.
over the years and through the haze
things filed away and forgotten –
all but nervous anticipation.

the skeleton key
you dangle helplessly on my chain.
i grasp you in my hand instinctively.
your shaft pressing into my flesh
i cannot wait to use you –
to see where you’ll take me.
upon insertion you fill my niches.
- a jiggle - a twist -
all my doors are open.


colors. a rainbow
rushing over me.
a licentious cascade
bleeding and changing.
no longer definable
but undeniable.

what does synchrony look like?

seeking: an attempt or desire to find, obtain, or achieve
synchrony: an action, development, or occurrence happening or existing at the same time.

so, what does that mean to me?  in theory seeking synchrony is about trying to find harmony and balance - not only with one's self but with others, the surrounding environment, and the universe.  it means living intentionally while focusing on personal values/ideals.  personally, this means connecting with my community and working cooperatively to solve problems creatively.  it means being conscience.  it means looking for answers (and then questioning them).